Places of Interest

The map shows numbered places of interest around Pirongia. Below the map you can select or browse images and information about those locations.

pirongia location map

Browse or select (using circles below images) to view location images and information.

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The Armed Constabulary Redoubt. New Zealand's best preserved Redoubt. Also the original site of the present Heritage Museum building.
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Pirongia West Redoubt. Military Reserve Site with an identified ground layout. Access is from Aubin Close.
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War Memorial Public Hall, built in 1922 to commemorate World War 1 and later World War 2 soldiers.
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Originally the granary by the Waipa River.
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The roadway in front of the hotel is where King Tāwhiao declared peace.
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Moved from Pirongia School in 1978. Part of the oldest school building in the Waikato.
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Enviro Centre. Classroom moved from Pirongia School. Now Te Whare Taiau for Pirongia Te Aroaro O Kahu Restoration Society.
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Matakitaki Pā. Famous battleground where the musket overcame the mere.
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Te Ngahere Conservation Reserve. A park layout of many native plants endemic to the Pirongia area.
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Esplanade Walk. A popular riverside trail accessible from Franklin or Crozier Streets.
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Built on Baffin Street to cross the Waipa River.
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Sports Centre. Catering for rugby, cricket, bowls, squash, tennis and netball.
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Contains a pristine, easy walking 18 holes.
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Racing Club Monument at the Golf Club. The Racing Cub was established in 1864 with the final race day in 2018.
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Alexandra Cemetary. Early settlers graves from 1873 to the present day.
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Mountain Bike Trails. Easy to expert difficulty trails.

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