Pirongia Heritage & Information Centre
Te Whare Taonga o Ngaa Rohe o Arekahanara
Visit us for information about Pirongia and its district. Find places to visit and things to do. We have information about local attractions, historic sites and bush walks along with useful maps and booklets.
A variety of displays in the Centre tell the story of the Pirongia settlement from its military beginnings to the present day.
They include artefacts and stories of local families, institutions and the changing landscape.
Particular attention is paid to Mount Pirongia, which dominates this landscape, as it was of great significance to the
original Maori occupants of the area. Today it provides outstanding recreational opportunities including a variety of tramps
and walks that cater for any fitness level.
Information may also be obtained from the centre about visiting a number of local historic sites including the East Redoubt
and the Armed Constabulary Redoubt, described by the Historic Places Trust as the best preserved redoubt in the country,
both of which are within easy walking distance.
In addition, the Centre is developing its own archives, and access to a growing fund of historical information, including that about families and institutions is available on request.